Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Imbalanced World

The map above is one year old, but the data below represents 2010. The Corruption Perception Index can be found at It's worth a glance if you have the time; if not, consider the following highly abbreviated report:
The least corrupt country in the world is Denmark. Unfortunately for Somalians, Afghanis, Burmese, and Iraqi's, their governments are at the bottom of the list: #175-178
#6 Canada
#22 USA
#105 Kazakhstan
#154 Russia
#154 Tajikistan (where we have a school)
#164 Kyrgyzstan (next door to us)
#172 Turkmenistan (6th from the bottom) A co-worker here in Almaty recenly transferred from Turkmenistan. He corroborates this report. His friend was pulled over by the police for having a dirty car. If he didn't pay the standard $50, he would have lost his licence for a year.
Kazakh police are angelic compared to at least 70 other police forces.

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